November 13
The Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation is founded.
December 6
Recognition as as charitable public foundation with legal capacity under civil law.© iStock.com / djedzura
December 7
A sponsorship prize for young talents in the candy industry is awarded with SG Network (until 2010).
February 22
The cooperation with universities to implement the Children's University is launched.
August 22
The Dr. Hans Riegel Subject Prize is awarded for the first time in collaboration with the Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn.
September 1
The Dr. Hans Riegel Subject Prizes Awards are expanded to eleven other German universities.
February 3
Work with alumni starts with the first Dr. Hans Riegel Campus.
February 4
Support for the MINT-EC school network starts.
October 15
The founder Dr. Hans Riegel passes away in Bonn at the age of 90.
February 1
The foundation's first Science Slam is held with the entertainer Thomas Gottschalk in Bonn.
April 22
MINT-EC and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation organize the ideas competition "School Creates Future (Schule schafft Zukunft)".
September 25-27
The first Dr. Hans Riegel Academy (Dr. Hans Riegel Akademie) for 160 alumni is held in Bonn.
October 30
The cooperation with the Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft e.V. for the children's painting contest (Kindermalwettbewerb) is launched for the 2015/16 school year to continue the long-standing collaboration under the program "Inspired by Nature (Natur beflügelt”)".
January 17
Exclusive seminar premiere for 23 Subject PrizeDr. Hans Riegel Award alumni at CERN.
September 1
The Dr. Hans Riegel Subject PrizesAwards celebrate their 10-year anniversary ceremony.
March 31
The Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation makes a significant contribution to save the Deutsche Museum Bonn.
July 14
The day care center "Flohkiste" in Bonn inaugurates its new building as a joint project between the parent initiative Flohkiste e.V., the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation, and the HARIBO Group. The day care center also becomes the pilot project for the new day care support series "Scientist Foxes (Forscher Füchse)".
September 7
The second Dr. Hans Riegel Academy takes place for 165 Subject PrizesAward alumni with renowned speakers and research institutes.
November 2
The Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation supports research and teaching in the health sciences field with the new degree program "Master of Science in Global Health Risk Management and Hygiene Policies" of the Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn.
March 20
The Minister of Education of North Rhine-Westphalia, Yvonne Gebauer, assumes the patronage of the five North Rhine-Westphalia competitions of the Dr. Hans Riegel Subject PrizesAward.
June 22
The Federal Minister of Education, Anja Karliczek, and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation give the starting signal together to send out the TouchTomorrow Truck to schools throughout Germany.
January 1
The cooperation between the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation and the Federal Employment Office (regional offices of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hessen, and Berlin Brandenburg) in the TouchTomorrow project is launched.
April 11
The cooperation between the German Design Museum Foundation and the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation in the new project series "Student Companies Discover Design" is launched.
June 28
The Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation’s educational media for the TouchTomorrow project win the Comenius EduMedia Award in the category of "Mathematics and Natural Science Education".
July 10
The new operative project series "Walls of Vision" in the fine arts charter area is launched, transporting historical works of art into the future through urban art and making them accessible to everyone for free.
August 2
The new operative foundation project "Connex" is started to promote networks for young talents in the business, economics, and adjacent disciplines in the charter area of research & teaching.
September 19
The third Dr. Hans Riegel Academy with the big Science Slam is held in the auditorium of the University of Bonn - moderated by Dr. Eckhart von Hirschhausen.
October 30
The Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation becomes the new partner of the zdi Network to support the MINT STEM fields in the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis district in Germany.
November 19
The foundation’s "TouchTomorrow" project wins the FOX Award GOLD for the communication concept in the category of Education and Continuing Education and SILVER for Design Efficiency.
November 23
Five new Scientist Fox day care centers are selected to receive funding of up to 30,000 euros over a period of three years to develop into a MINT STEM Lighthouse.
April 28
New learning format in challenging times: MINT live streams complement classes and use digital tools to make school content easy to understand and teach.
August 28
The Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation supports young scientists conducting economic/social science research on Covid-19.
September 24
Joint live stream to present the reorientation of the Deutsche Museum Bonn as a central venue to experience artificial intelligence in North Rhine-Westphalia.
January 21
Successful premiere: Thanks to the "TouchTomorrow Stream", students take a look into the future in spite of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Mai 27
WALLS OF VISION awarded with the German Prize for the Support of Culture.
July 01
Providing short, medium and long-term funding and support services to facilities affected by the floods.