Charter Objective Charity

Fast and Hands-on Help Through the Cooperation with Specialized Organizations

Background and Form of the Support

Dr. Hans Riegel was always aware of his social responsibility as an entrepreneur. This is the reason why he founded charitable foundations in Germany and Austria to carry on his commitment after his death as well. The main focus of the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation is to promote education to support young people as they design their future. Other charter objectives are Research and Teaching, Fine Arts, and Charity.

The Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation was recognized as a charitable foundation at the beginning of 2018. In accordance with the foundation's educational focus established by the founder, the Board of Directors decided to also carry out the charitable activities of the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation within the context of education.

In collaboration with carefully selected partners, we want to help provide disadvantaged children who suffer hardships through no fault of their own with access and assistance to obtain and apply education. This includes bearing the costs for tutoring, school material, reading partners, children's libraries and other types of assistance made possible by the organizations Kinderlachen e. V. and Aktion Lichtblicke e. V. through our annual donations.

Since we provide the entirety of our available funds to the experienced charities mentioned above, we are happy to recommend directly getting in touch with Kinderlachen e. V. and/or Lichtblicke e.V.:


Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation
Project Manager Madeleine Breuer
Am Neutor 3
53113 Bonn
+49 (0)228-22744723